Backcountry Recovery Platform
The Backcountry Hunter Recovery platform includes recovery/stretch modules to help you improve in your flexibility and joint mobility movements to help you recover at the end of a long day in the woods while also helping to maintain or even improve your functional range of motion throughout the year. We place a big emphasis on spinal hygiene and hip mobility, a vital factor in moving well in the backcountry as well as in the sport of life.
None of the circuits designed to be specific to any one person's individual flexibility or mobility needs. Rather it's a general approach that covers flexibility work for some of the more important muscle groups and the mobility needed for the situations you might find yourself in while pursuing game day after day in the backcountry.
The platform includes 4 different recovery circuits included here for you choose from. Choose one that fits your needs and your set up on any particular day.
A) Backcountry Hunter Recovery Circuit - A comprehensive recovery circuit that will address all components of the kinetic chain. This circuit will take approximately 8-10 min for each set.
B) 5 Way Wall Stretch - A condensed recovery circuit that will take you approximately 5 minutes for each set. You can do this with or without a wall for support.
C) Post Ruck Recovery - A recovery circuit for those days when you've been wearing a pack or spent a lot of time sitting your truck.
D)Tent Recovery - This circuit was designed for small spaces such as when you're living out of a tent or sleeping on a cot and lacking the floor space to move around or stand up.